Entry basi sebenarnya ni..hehe...2 hari ni mmg bz btl kat ofis, semalam kul 7 baru hbs meeting...mujur la jugak Zameer masih kat kg, if not, dia lah plg last been picked up by mama from taska...
"Jumaat, cepatlah!!! Mama dah rindu bangat ngan Zameer ni...huhuuu...."
Hari2 kat ofis bila teringat kat Zameer, semua gmbr Zameer dlm memory card fon or camera, even in my PC pon habis khatam...bila tgk video2 dia, Ya rabbi...rindu sgt! kat umah plak, papa suka tiru ragam zameer...ragam zameer nangis, ragam zameer gelak, ragam zameer time main ngan toys...hurm...cptlah jumaat!
But in the mean time, while Zameer is away from us, we're tried to having lots of fun together...even in the heart got the empty space missing of Zameer....huhuu
Last weekend, on saturday both of us got commitment of work...papa alternate saturday is working for half day, me got ALK meeting to be held & handled...oh, yeah...I never mention here, I am a secretary for a Koperasi manage by Dato' (my big boss until I'm leaving to the new job...hehe). So, as a secretary for a new established koperasi, my work load is too heavy...got a paperworks to do, the minutes of meeting, a notice for koperasi members and committee, liaise with SKM (Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia), MKM (Maktab Koperasi Malaysia), manage & conduct every meeting, presentation slide for each report....argh!!
For those who knows my education background and my previous experience, of cos will appear a '?' in their mind...where is my accounting skills used in my current jobs scope? yeah...none! Am I satisfied with what I'm doing now? No! That's y I hunted a few of job vacancy for Accounts...Then, Alhamdulillah dh dpt pon...9 Julai will start at the new place...Pray for it to be the best place for me....amin....
Ok, dah melalut2 kan? dr nk cerita pasal dating, sangkut pasal rindu kat Zameer...then luahan perasaan pasal keje plak...huhuuu...sory readers! ok, back to our sweet time together's story....
ok, sabtu lepas after work, kitorg blk umah pon dh petang...settle kain baju yg perlu dibasuh dlm washing machine, papa tlg sidaikan...ptg tu rehat2 saja coz mlmnya kitorg hadiri mjlis kahwin sepupu papa kat Tmn Botanic,Klang...yang kelakarnya kitorg xsempat bergambar ngan pengantin pon, tp bergambar dgn family in law coz time wedding my sis in law last week kitorg xsempat bergambar sama2...
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Ni my family in law...missing is only Zameer n Father in law... |
Then pas mandi, I buat cucur udang kat dapur tuk our branch (simple je kan? hehe). I tengok tv, papa sambung buka laptop wat keje...
aish, ingatkan bz wat keje...hehe...katanya sikit je lagi ni, jap lagi pas asar kita kuar ye...ok! Space U8 Bukit Jelutong dekat je pon...tapi, kitorg singgah je Space U8 tuk beli tiket, then trs ke Sek 7, shopping kain tuk baju raya kat Jakel...hehe
sampai area Jakel actually dh magrib, so papa g petronas dulu singgah solat...hasil grab? hehe...
Theme Raya: yellow color! |
Total spent kat Jakel RM290.00...huh, then papa said, "ni mujur baru anak sorg kan? klau 2, kena double lagi..." huhuu...baru tau?! hehe...ni luckily I xbeli semua serentak, bln lps I beli dulu 2 psg via online tu...klau semua nk beli serentak, mak aih.....
Then, settle shopping, singgah makan Char Kuey Teow kat Aimar, TTDI Jaya...pastu blk semula ke Space U8 tuk tgk wayang...tp kitorg sampai sana awal sejam dari time tiket, so sempat la papa g solat dulu (mama cuti ok?), mama lak sempat singgah avon jap beli facial foam n perfume...
Ada masa lagi setengah jam, so kitorg masuk kat Tutti Fruity
1 cup to share, juz romantic! :) |
Green Apple Flavor + topping raisins n jelly beans = RM 13.90! |
Dating time! |
about 1 am in the morning, we juz arrived home safely! hehe...esoknya g keje cm biasa....
Opss....lupa nk cite, time nk kuar parking kat Space U8 pas beli tiket wayang,sblm ke Jakel tu, I juz realized something happen to our car!
Sakit hati tgk bumper sisi tetiba kemik, tanpa sedar bila terjadi! sape la nk ngaku kan klau dh langgar kete org...mmg pyh nk maafkan, tp hubby pesan suruh redha...mgkin Allah ada nk ampunkan dosa2 kita...kifarah!
P/S: mood sedikit tercalar tgk kete 'cedera'...huhu
Mcm same je material baju raya kita. Kain pun zatun beli jalur mcm tu kat jakel shah alam. Warna je lain. Hahaha
ReplyDeletehaha...actually kain jalur2 tu utk kain baju kurung Na je, then epul tetiba request nk baju melayu dia guna kain tu jgk..dh boring katanya kain satin yg plain color...hehe