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Monday, 16 September 2013

Introducing our Princess

Salam semua...

Lama betul xbersiaran kan? ada yang rindu ke? hehee... 2 bln cuti bersalin mmg sgt malas nk duduk menghadap laptop...nk update guna tab sgtlah pape status I juz update kat FB je...So arini dah start working again, but keje2 blm lagi hand over back to me jadi blh la spend time kejap update blog yg dh bersawang nih...huhuu

Alhamdulillah Mama selamat melahirkan seorg puteri kali ni sbg permata keluarga kecik kami...Syukur ke hadrat Ilahi, Puteri kami lahir sempurna sifat fizikalnya dan macam Zameer juga, baby xde masalah jaundice...Entry kali ni kita introduce baby je dulu ea...pengalaman bersalin akan dicitekan di entry lain, InsyaAllah...

First few week of life...
 Nama diberi ZARA NAAZNEEN ALISYA yang membawa maksud Puteri Cantik Dilindungi Tuhan... Dengan doa dan harapan Puteri kami sentiasa di bawah lindungan dan rahmat Allah...amin...

Ramai kata rupa saya sgt mirip Abg Zameer...huhuu
Dilahirkan pada 17/07/13, 10.55am di Hospital Bersalin UMRA (luckily I got the same room and bed as I admitted to deliver Zameer last time...huhuu) via Elective Casearean... Zara lahir seberat 3.33kg dan ketinggian 51cm...

In a month, Zara growth to 4.4kg and 55cm...and now in 2 months old, she already 5.3kg and 61cm...huhuu...berkat susu ibu kot! semua tegur baby Zara besar berbanding usia dia...sekali pandang ramai yg ingat Zara dh 4 ke 5 bln...huhuu...dan yang paling kelakar bila tiap kali pegi check up kat KK dgn nenek, nurse mesti ckp "ni mesti tinggi ikut ayah dia ni kan?" hahahaaa...tau la Mama dia ni xcukup tinggi!

Permata hati Mama Papa...
Alhamdulillah Zara sangat senang diasuh...macam abg Zameer dulu jugak Zara sgt kurang berjaga malam...kenyang susu trs tido...cuma first week tu mmg Zara kerap berjaga sbb xcukup kenyang bila direct feed ngan I got an idea to prepare EBM before sleep at night, bila Zara bangun Mama bg dia bottle feeding 3oz trs, I got enough rest at night...Nenek pon xbyk kena tolong bila baby pon xsusah dijaga, so xde la susahkan nenek sgt time pantang aritu...

For healing purpose, I consume Shaklee product...Sangat berpuas ati sbb sepanjang berpantang Mama rasa cukup stamina dan sihat sentiasa...lps semggu berpantang dh blh tlg2 nenek wat keje umah cam basuh pinggan or jemur pakaian anak2...huhuu...tu pon kena tegur gak la ngan nenek...

Syukur sekali lagi sbb kali ni niat tuk fully BF baby Zara dpt Mama masih lagi diperingkat beginner in breast feeding journey ni and still byk kena bljr lagi...Pagi tadi pon bila pack brg2 tuk anak2 and brg tuk ke ofis baru terasa cabaran seorg ibu yg bekerjaya yg berusaha tuk fully BF anaknya...terlalu byk brg tuk di pek dan andainya ada brg yg tercicir, maka bermasalah la kat ofis nnt tuk sesi pam susu...Jadinya skrg Mama dh xpyh kelek hand bag g ofis, cukup dgn Momma Bag yg consist all the Breast Pump and parts, cooler bag and accesories...Moga Allah kuatkan hati ni tuk trskan niat murni ni...amin...

Ok, that's all for now...will catch up later to post other entry...Thanks for reading...

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Vaccinations issue

Salam semua...

Just to share the article wrote by Dr. Fazilah Filzah, a paediatrician of Sg Buloh Hospital....Taken by Barely Supermom's Blog...

Dear BarelySupermommy readers,
      I reckon that some of you may have your own stand on this matter- vaccination. While some of you may disagree, I believe majority of us still believe in vaccination as an effective preventive measure to combat certain infectious diseases. However, the last few months or so, someone may have spoken to you or you may have read on Facebook – that vaccination is not what it seemed. That it is not safe , causes autism, not ‘halal’ and that vaccines are only for profits. You googled. There were many articles on the pros but there were quite a lot on the cons as well. You read the disadvantages of vaccination and then everything seem to weigh on you. You cant help it but started to wonder if they were all true.
      I believe that most misconceptions and controversies regarding vaccination stems from the fact that people underestimate the disease and overestimate the side effects. While I agree that Adverse Event Following Immunization (AEFI) do sometimes occur , most are mild (e.g fever and soreness) and disappears rather quickly. I am sure most mothers out there would agree, having had your children vaccinated before. On the contrary, I believe not many of you have seen the diseases at their worst. Measles, for example, may be fever and red spots to most but are you aware that it can spread to the brain and cause death? Pertussis, may begin with the usual fever and cough but as it progress to the second stage of the disease, babies may have prolonged cough, turn blue and stop breathing. Polio was almost eradicated but sadly, on the rise in certain third world countries where the vaccination rate is low. Meningitis, or inflammation of the brain lining caused by Haemophilus Influenza may render a child debilitated and even cause death. Whether you like it or not , the truth is vaccination has tremendously reduce the burden of infectious diseases and has prevented deaths in millions of children all around the world.
      Let’s discuss a little bit about the history of vaccines and how it works before discussing the issues because I feel that we would be able to appreciate what we have today if we knew how it all began. Have you ever heard of smallpox? Some of you may have not heard of it because the disease is no longer around. But do you know that the deadly disease was one of the most devastating diseases in the history of mankind and has in fact killed more than 500 millions people for many centuries? 500 millions! But thanks to Edward Jenner, whose work contributed to the development of vaccines, smallpox was eradicated and we don’t have to live to see our loves one dying from the disease.
      How does vaccines work? Simply put, imagine a child who develops chicken pox for example, they will rarely contract the disease again . Why? Because the immune system has memory, so that the next time the child is exposed to the virus, the body remembers and destroys the virus even before it causes sickness. And vaccines works the same way, only artificially. Vaccines contains weakened or killed form of the germs, when introduced into the body triggers an immune response without causing the disease. So that the next time the children are exposed to the virus or bacteria, their antibodies would be able to recognize it and combats it.
      I remember 3 years ago, a child was admitted to the ward for lung infection. Upon asking the immunisation history, we found out that the child was not vaccinated. In fact, none of his siblings were. I started to counsel the parents but I was quickly dismissed. They felt strongly against vaccination and did not want to discuss any further. Kata mereka ‘ anak anak yang lain semua okay je, tak pernah sakit pun walaupun tak divaksin’. I wanted to tell them about ‘herd immunity’ but then dropped the idea.
      What is ‘herd immunity’? In other words, it’s called ‘community’ immunity. It occurs when majority of the population is vaccinated, and the immunity that is achieved by the community would be able to protect those who could not be vaccinated (due to medical reason , HIV, immunosuppresed children). I think that this has not been sufficiently emphasized- that when you get your child vaccinated , you not only protect your child from the infectious diseases but also other kids who are unfortunate enough to have low immunity to be vaccinated. I cant emphasize enough that you are doing a good deed if you get your child vaccinated. But when the rate of vaccination falls, the herd immunity is lost, and I guess you can figure out what comes next.
      Having understood the basics, let’s move on to one of the most common misconception about vaccination, in particularly with the MMR vaccines. Does it cause autism? The answer is no, it does not. The scare started in 1998, when a medical journal, The Lancet published a study by Mr. Andrew Wakefield, MD (previously hold the title Dr) that stated that the combined MMR vaccine was linked to autism. However, not long after that, The Lancet itself withdrew the article and Wakefield lost his medical licence. Investigations proved that Wakefield’s research was fraud, unfounded and biased and that there were conflict of interest. His article has led to a drop in vaccination in UK and since then, many studies were done to look into whether there were any association between the MMR and autism, but none were found. Despite that, it’s sad to know that even after 2 decades, some people still believe that it does. Sigh…
The other concern is regarding the use of Thiomersal in the vaccines. Thiomersal is a mercury-based preservative that helps prevent bacterial growth in vaccines and helps maintain the effectiveness of the vaccines. Thiomersal contains ethylmercury, which basically means that it is eliminated from the body quickly and does not reach toxic level in the blood, unlike methymercury. The level of Thiomersal in the vaccines are so small , even fish contains more of it I believe. The amount of Thiomersal in the vaccine have not been shown to cause harm or health risk.
       Vaccines are not ‘halal’? Hmmm… I must say that it is unfair to say that those who decided to vaccinate their children do not care of halal and haram. The Malaysian Immunization Programme is decreed permissible by JAKIM. In fact, our prominent Islamic Scholar , Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi stated that the lawfulness of vaccination in Islamic perspective is as clear as sunlight. It is the duty of every Muslim to ward off harm as much as possible, and while we all believe in natural ways to boost immunity e.g breastfeeding , taking honey ( not for those less than 1 year), Habatussauda’, olive oil, that does not mean that we Muslims should deny ourselves of modern medicine that has stood the test of time. I have always believe in complementary medicine.
      I am not sure if I have covered all of your concerns but I hope this helps. You may or may not be convinced and that’s okay , as I believe conviction needs to come from one self. If you are doubtful, read further from reliable source, discuss with people who really knows and perform Istikharah. If you strongly object vaccination, my only request is that you do not pose your views on others. I am writing this merely for those who has concern and doubts, yet has not dismissed vaccination.
      I strongly feel that we need to have these issues tackled at national level and it is the responsibility of the Ministry of Health to allay parental concerns regarding vaccination. The community needs to be educated and myths and misconceptions regarding vaccination should not be allowed to spread, or we would to have to suffer the consequences in the future.
P/S : Really good article to be read and understand with open minded as the issue became so sensitive lately...

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

WW : Doa Nabi Yunus

P/S : Doa yg selalu Mama amalkan time dekat nk bersalin Zameer dulu...dan sekarang menjadi amalan...moga dipermudahkan proses bersalin kali ni...amin...

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

35 weeks check up

Salam semua...

Semalam genap 35 minggu usia kandungan Mama...Kalau ikutkan semalam ada appointment tuk check up dengan Dr. Wan Ratna, PMC Sg Buloh...Tapi bila tanya Papa, dia tak setuju tuk teruskan planning bersalin kat PMC since my last report to him on the first day I went check up there...Papa preferred UMRA...

So semalam Papa apply for 1 day leave, banyak urusan nk kena settle...Mama plak dah terasa xsihat sebab jerebu yg melanda, plan mmg nk mintak MC la time check up nnt...Dalam kul 9 pagi, siap2kan Zameer trs hantar ke taska...terjerit2 la si kecik tu nk ikut sbb tau Mama Papa dia bukan nk tggal g keje pikirkan pas check up nnt trs nk g Klang settlekan banyak urusan lain lagi, IPU kat Klang plak jauh lbh teruk dari Shah Alam so kuatkan ati jugak tinggal Zameer sekejap...Papa dengar si anak nangis jerit2 camtu hampir nk kuar kete blk g ambik Zameer, tp Mama xbagi...huhuu

Dalam kul 10.15am sampai UMRA...Dan macam biasa, xpyh nk tggu lama2 nurse dah panggil tuk timbang berat, ambik BP and test urine...berat mmg dh xnaik2 dari 7 bln aritu, still 56kg...BP normal...Time check up kat PMC aritu, dh la timbang berat n cek BP semua buat time jumpa doc, test urine x buat pon...its suppose for 3rd trimester ni, test urine tu penting...

Teringat time preggy Zameer dulu, ada sekali check up tu my urine test showed very bad which is my urine contains lots of protein...time tu dh 35 or 36 weeks camtu...Dr. Rafi attended me that time asked me to do it again to ensure the result, and its remains bad...when that happens (urine contains lot of protein), showed that the protein was not absorbed by the, at last kena warded 2 mlm klau xsilap time tu...

After about 1 hour waiting, I have been called to see gynea....refer to my record at UMRA, my last visit is on 1st May...She asked me whether I had went somewhere else for checkup? I explained to her and showed notes that been updated by Dr. Ratna last time in the same record I got from UMRA...She understood if I wanna try for normal delivery at other hospital since my chances is no matter if I still continue checkup with UMRA until we make the decision where to deliver our baby this time...

Bila dh borak2 psl chances and all that, doc suruh baring nk scan baby...The scanning process took more than 20 minutes...Doc explained to me that lots of things has to be observed in the final trimester like my condition now so it would took some time...doc scan and analyzed the baby heart beat, the flow in the umbilical cord, size of the baby's head, size of the baby's the end doc asked me whether I know already the baby's gender? I said known already from the detailed scan last time, but if doc may confirm again, why not? she just smiled for my answer...and yes, doc confirmed me our baby is a girl...hehe...our baby now is estimated weighted 2.5kg...agak2nya kuar nnt sampai x 3kg cam Abg Zameer dia? huhu...

Discussed with doc if we choose to deliver at UMRA, she explained...I should book the date between 38 to 39 weeks of pregnancy for cser, or else if I came after the 40 weeks, it could be the emergency cser (if this happen Papa wouldn't get the chance to accompany me in the OR juz like the time I delivered Zameer)...For my next check up is in next 2, we got 3 more weeks to decide where to deliver our baby...

Kuar je dari bilik doc, tetiba nurse yg assist doc dlm bilik td dtg tanya whether dah ambik injection tuk kancing gigi or not? nak je buat lawak time tu bgth nurse yg Mama dah ambik time preggy Zameer dulu...haha...I said not yet...Trs kena panggil tuk ambik injection pastu...adoi, dh la xready lsg nk kena inject, berdebar gak la nk terima...huhuu...

Kalau ikutkan dh agak terlewat sebenarnya tuk terima injection tu...suppose time check up kat PMC aritu lagi dh kena, I noticed 3 important things to be highlighted here about the service of PMC:

i)  No urine test been done even that is a must

ii) I have been laid down on the bed for scanned our baby for about 5 minutes only which is just to see the baby's position, the placenta is not at the below side...that's all...xpadan lenguh tercongok menunggu giliran hampir 4 jam...

iii) Doc not even checked whether I had took the injection that I supposed to take in the mean time

Bila kitorg pikirkan tentang semua tu balik, lagilah Papa "PANGKAH" PMC Sg.Buloh....Out of our list!

Mama pon makin buntu tuk wat keputusan nk bersalin kat mana...Nak ke gomen, I prefer to Hospital Selayang rather that Hospital Sg Buloh...tapi bila pk kemungkinan tuk kena cser tu ada, I really dont want to be cser at gomen hospital...huhuuu...dah compare parut parut cser with my cousin yg bersalin kat gomen, sgt teruk okey! xnk...huhuu...Ramai jugak yg cdgkan ke PPUM...bila bincang ngan Papa, PPUM tu sgtlah jauh dr umah neither my kena pikirkan jugak traffic condition in case of emergency nnt...

Then, I said to Papa..."Yang, nnt la bila nak terberanak nnt baru saya decide kat mana nk bersalin ea? tak pon bersalin kat umah je...awak jadi bidan....hahahahaaaa" Mmg kena cubit ngan Papa pastu....huhuuu

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Doa Yg Di aminkan Malaikat

Salam semua...

Sedikit perkongsian ilmu di hari Jumaat...petikan dari status FB Dato' Dr. Hj Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah...

Di antara doa yang diaminkan para Malaikat, justeru makbul:

1) Orang yang tidur dalam keadaan bersuci (berwudu')

2) Orang yang duduk menunggu masuknya waktu solat

3) Orang yang di saf depan solat berjemaah

4) Orang yang penuhkan saf yang kosong

5) Orang sebut "AMIN" selepas imam bacakan Al-Fatihah serentak dengan Malaikat

6) Orang yang duduk atas sejadah selepas solat

7) Orang yang solat asar dan subuh berjemaah

8) Orang yang doakan saudaranya dalam senyap

9) Orang yang infakkan hartanya ke jalan ALLAH

10) Orang yang bangun makan sahur

11) Orang yang ziarah orang sakit

12) Orang yang sedang berpuasa

13) Orang yang berdoa ketika sujud dalam solatnya

14) Orang yang dizalimi

15) Pemimpin yang adil

16) Doa semasa hujan atau bencana alam

17) Doa semasa Tahujjud

Moga kita berterusan berdoa....Wallahua'lam...

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Wedding my sis...

Salam semua...

Arini mampu nk upload gambar je readers...xtau nk mencoret ape...huhuu...

Wedding my sis on 1st June 2013...

Persalinan nikah pada Jumaat, 31 Mei 2013

My complete family...

Welcome to my brother in law which is no one will believe if I say he is older than me and my hubby...huhuu

Monday, 10 June 2013

First time check up at PMC Sg Buloh

Salam semua…

Ya Allah…rindu sgt nk mencurah rasa, berkongsi cerita kat sini…tapi dek kerana kekangan waktu, sibuk dengan keje2 di ofis, terpaksa abaikan blog kesayangan ni…

Banyak cerita dh skip sebenarnya…coretan di Sabah pon xsempat nk habiskan lg…tapi sebab nk cerita dulu pengalaman pertama check up di Putra Medical Centre (PMC) Sg Buloh, yang lain terpaksa tangguh dulu k…

Arini genap usia baby dlm perut Mama 33 mggu…kiranya lagi sebulan lebih skit je nk sampai due…but klau ikut pengalaman bersalin Abg Zameer, 38 mggu 1 hari dah pecah ketuban…huhuuu…kiranya kena bersedia la dlm masa 5 mggu lagi nih…

Lepas pening nk pilih hospital mana nk deliver spt yg Mama cite kat entry lepas, last2 Mama Papa decide nk bersalin kat PMC since banyak review yg bagus psl PMC.  Cousin Papa pon dh 3 org anak dia bersalin kat situ…katanya kat situ verylah Islamic procedure…Then Mama ada call PMC tuk dapatkan confirmation diorg terima x utk Mama try bersalin normal kat sana after cser Abg Zameer dulu since UMRA punya policy strictly xterima…dapat respon positif dari diorg tu buat Mama lega skit nk decide tuk bersalin kat PMC even xpernah check up lagi kat sana.

Then ahad lps, mcm waktu biasa Mama kuar tuk g check up kat UMRA, kitorg trs ke PMC…sampai sana area kul 10am, sampai di kaunter staff bertugas mintak kitorg balik dan dtg esok hari sbb kuota aritu dah penuh…Ops, terkejut jugak sbb masih terlalu awal rasanya time tu…even kat UMRA pon klau dtg kul 1pm pon xde mslh sbb check up blh smp kul 10pm pon week days or weekend.  Tapi mgkin lain tempat lain prosedurnya kan…so kitorg trs ke The Store Sg Buloh tuk shopping brg2 baby…Syukur ada sale, sgt berbaloi dgn hrg brg2 and pampers kat situ!

Semalam (isnin), masuk ofis pagi2 trs emel kat bos mintak permission tuk kuar after lunch for checkup.  Mama x apply leave coz pretty sure sempat blk ofis after check up.  So, after lunch ngan colleagues kat ofis, trs shoot ke PMC.  Dgn trafik yg agak sibuk dr Bukit Jelutong ke Sg Buloh, dalam 40minit sampai la kat PMC.  That time around 2.45pm…

Masuk main entrance Mama trs ke kaunter, ada sorg staff bertugas sdg uruskan file pesakit.  Tgk dia macam sibuk, Mama juz berdiri depan dia tunggu dia settlekan tugas dia yg nmpk sibuk benar tu…hampir beberapa minit dia mcm ignore je org yg tercongok dpn dia ni…then trs Mama hulurkan surat reference and full record from UMRA dpn dia, baru la dia pandang and tanya "puan dtg tuk check up ke?"…adoi…sabar je la…then after filling details kat file record dia, dia cakap, “Puan blh la nk pegi makan dulu ke, doctor kul 3 baru masuk”  Trs la tanya kat mana harus tunggu sbb kat dpn tu tgk cm limited seat je yg ada…then lps dpt info trs msk ke dalam, seat dpn bilik Dato’ Dr. Zarul…tapi schedule tuk check up ngan Dr.Zarul 8am – 1pm je, 3pm-8pm turn Dr. Wan Ratna…

Pas register baru dapat appointment card yg list kan jadual bertugas doc...patutlah lambat service diorg, hanya sorg doctor bertugas at one time and every saturday and sunday only halfday available for check up....

Terpikir better solat Zohor dulu sementara nk tggu,trs ke kaunter tanya mana surau sbb dekat area menunggu tu hanya ada toilet ladies, n setentang ngan toilet tu surau berlabel “Lelaki”…Staff di kaunter ckp surau perempuan dkt ngan bilik Dr. Ratna, sekali ngan nursing room.  Trs Mama menapak ke sana…bilik tu mmg muat2 2 org je tuk solat, ada 1 sofa mgkin preferable tuk ibu2 yg nk nursing baby diorg dlm tu, ada 1 tmpt yg ada comforter baby and sinki…trs Mama perasan tu tmpt tuk salin diaper baby…hurm…sangat tak patut nk sekali kan surau dgn tmpt salin diaper baby…tmpt wuduk dalam toilet staff setentang ngan ‘surau’ berkenaan….

3.10pm, Dr. Wan Ratna baru sampai…tak lama pastu running no. start dipanggil started with 5001.  No Mama time tu 5017…mak ai, lagi 17 tu nk kena tggu…tapi Mama cuba sabar…nmpk org xramai mana pon, tapi rupanya ramai yg dh biasa dtg check up kat situ tau service lmbat, so diorg xtggu di klinik…pas ambik no. diorg jalan2 dulu…masa trs bergerak, dalam kul 4pm no giliran baru 5005…aduh, mmg xsempat Mama nk rush ke ofis semula ni!

Bila jam dh berganjak kul 5, Mama ke surau sekali lagi tuk solat asar.  Bertembung ngan sorg staff yg nmpk senior baru kuar dr staff toilet baru lps berwuduk.  Dia tgk Mama cm nk masuk situ di tanya Mama nk ambik wuduk ke? Mama iyekan je la…then dia ckp, “nk kuar nnt tlg kunci ye sbb toilet tu tuk doc je blh guna”…then dtg la terpikir, ai…dh tu klau terkunci xkan nk ambik wuduk kat toilet yg lagi jauh tu…dia plak doc ke blh berwuduk kat situ?!! Hurmmm….

Kuar dari surau time tu dlm kul 5.30pm…No giliran baru 5012…lagi 5 org nk smp turn, so bajet2 dlm 6.15 baru smp turn tuk jumpa doc…harap sgt jgn smp magrib Mama kat situ! Huhu…dlm kul 6.15 no Mama kena pggil…Rupanya dlm bilik doc baru segala macam check up baru nk dibuat…Check BP, berat…pdhal kalau normal prosedur mcm tu kat UMRA, semua dh settle sblm msk jmp doc lagi…dan berat Mama still xnaik2 dari last check up kat UMRA; 56kg! aish…ape la…

After scan, Alhamdulillah kedudukan baby dh engaged ke bawah, kedudukan uri normal di atas, berat baby dalam 2.304kg…uish, dh besar rupanya Our Little One…patutlah Mama terasa makin sesak nafas time baring telentang…huhuuu…After about 15-20min in the doc’s room, I’m done my check up.  Doc set kan lg 2 mggu tuk dtg and ask me whether I wanna come on Monday again…Trs trg Mama ckp kat doc saya dh penat seharian menunggu doc, please set me the day she’s little bit loose.  So next check up on 25/06 (Tuesday) but again Mama will go check up lonely as Papa has to go out station to Bukit Kayu Hitam for a week that time…nasib la kan…

Kuar dr bilik doc, trs ke area kaunter pembayaran…time buat payment, ada 1 kes masuk…emergency nk bersalin…perempuan tu dh hampir meraung tahan sakit, tp staff nurse kat situ mcm x handle kes tu mcm emergency pon…rilex je…sibuk mintak buku record ape semua bagai…Mama yg berdiri kat situ kesian la tgk that lady yg tgh tahan sakit nk bersalin…time dia masuk tu mmg la trs dihulur wheel chair tp staff nurse tersangatlah lembab nk buat keje…chaos la sekejap…Mama tgk la record book yg family that lady bg pada staff tu mcm buku merah KK, means record pregnancy dia blh trs refer kat situ pon…tp staff2 kat situ still cam duk discuss dpn kaunter tu nk terima ke nak suruh patient tu ke hospital je….hello, klau dia nk ke Hosp.Sg Buloh (HSB) xdenye dia nk stop by kat PMC tu! Mama plak yg bengang tgk…

Then Mama saja la tanya staff kat kaunter tu, kenapa ngan patient tu? Dia xde rekod kat sini ke? Staff tu ckp, “ha…tu la masalahnya…dia xde rekod kat sini” situasi tu buatkan Mama teringat kes yg lbh kurang sama berlaku dpn mata kat UMRA dulu..sorg ibu yg dh pecah ketuban, foreigner indon dibawak oleh majikan dia tuk dtg bersalin kat situ hanya berbekalkan passport semata2 tanpa ada pregnancy record dari mn2 klinik pon…tp UMRA handle the case as professional, sekejap je trs di bawa ke labor room, details record been settled after the patient safely arrived at labor room…

The case is not so difference, but why they could not take it as emergency case to straight away decide to safe the patient first? Record would be taken care after that…klau takut diorg xmampu bayar, diorg xkan ke swasta klau xmampu kan…

Masuk kete, Mama termenung panjang seketika…trs call Papa bincang ape yg jadi sepanjang ari tu kat PMC…dengan servis yg lambat sangat2, langsung xhargai pelanggan yg dtg, lambat handle kes emergency, staff yg kurang mesra….harapkan service dari doctor saja yg bagus spt yg tercoret di blog2 yg ceritakan pengalaman best bersalin diorg di PMC, tapi staff plk macam xhargai customer…erm…baik la Mama g check up kat KK klau begini gayanya…

On the way balik, sekali lagi sakit pinggang lps lebih separuh hari tercongok di kerusi menunggu teruji ngan jalan jammed…dan dalam trafik yg slow tu terpandanglah bangunan ‘Hospital Pusrawi’ di kiri jalan besar tu…tetiba terpikir, kedudukan Hosp.Pusrawi yg separuh perjalan dr umah ke PMC, terasa nk tukar tmpt bersalin…  Papa pon mcm dh xberapa nk setuju nk benarkan Mama bersalin di PMC…

Ya rabbi…dugaan datang lagi ni…xsampai 2 bln dh pon lagi tp masih ragu2 kat mana nk bersalin….kwn2, opinion please….. ( - _- )

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Detailed scan our Little One

Salam semua...

Banyak betul entry2 tertangguh yg nk di coret kat cni...dlm kepala dh terangka ape yg nk cite kat blog tapi sbb kekangan masa dan bila asyik tertangguh, benda yg nk cerita pon blh lupa detailnya...Ha, cerita g jln2 kat Sabah dulu pon blm habis lagi, dh hampir sebulan berlalu...huhuuu...moga2 nnt ada kesempatan tuk coret cerita di Sabah...

Tapi arini tgh excited pasal our 'Little One'...potong que semua cerita yg nk dicoret, huhuuuu....

Semalam pegi check up 6 months, but actually lg beberapa hari dh nk masuk 7 months pon...since dh booked dated for 3D / 4D scan kat UMRA, even dh decided kali ni xkan deliver baby kat UMRA, so pegi je la...lgpon nk tukar tempat bersalin still kena dapatkan full report dari UMRA sebab record dari awal pregnancy ada kat sini...

The result yang paling ditunggu2 dari detailed scan ni for sure about our Little One's gender...huhuu...time check up 4 months dulu doc memberi harapan maybe our Little One is a 'gurl', tp masih awal sgt tuk confirmkan...then previous check up 5 months, jumpa doc yg lain time tu, katanya its pretty sure a 'boy'...adush, frust betul dalam hati tetap denial it's a boy...entah, gerak hati!

Bila shopping or survey barang2 baby, Papa asyik duk usik suruh beli biru, biru n biru...but Mama said, no...I still wanna buy a neutral the nursing pillow, I took a yellow color...baju2 plak mmg langsung x shopping lagi sbb still rasa nk tggu detailed scan result sbb time belek baju baby je mesti anak mata ni terpikat ngan warna2 baju gugurl yg pink2 and dark pink, Mama cakap kat Papa, baju2 kita beli lewat2 skit xpe...huhuu...sembunyikan rahsia hati la konon...

Then the result is...

hehee...nanti dulu, kita cite pasal baby's condition dulu ea...

Baby's brain showed normal

Tulang belakang normal

tulang belakang normal
 Kedudukan baby skrg menghadap ke bawah, so bhgn atas perut mama ni is tulang belakang dia...sebab tu la klau mama terlebih mengiring ke kanan, Mama kena tendang sbb kepala dia kena himpit..bila dah stat menendang plk kdg2 direct terkena pundi kencing Mama..."auch! sakit okay...." huhuu...Uri plak syukur di kedudukan yang sepatutnya, dan uri nmpk sihat...

buah pinggang lengkap ada 2, pundi kencing normal

here...our Little One's face...
 Time nk capture 4D plak, muka baby time tu macam terhimpit kat karung ketuban, so bila xde air dkt area muka dia sgt ssh nk capture clear picture...bila kena usik2 baru gerak2...hurmm...ada timing2 nmpk muka dia tengah tersenyum...Alhamdulillah...

Alhamdulillah...sempurna tanpa sumbing

Jantung sihat, ada '4 bilik' kata doc...
Actually, time doc doc explain 1-1 dari hasil scan tu, tetiba Papa ckp, "syg, awak xnk tanya doc gender baby ke? kan awak xsabar nk tau..." then, doc replied..."Papa dia yg xsabar tu...huhuu...sabar2 ye, nnt sampai part tu kita tengok..." hahahaa....tergelak jap Mama dibuatnya...padahal Papa yg xnyabar nk tau, Mama plak yg dikatanya xsabar...huhuu we go.....




It's a 'GURL!"....Alhamdulillah...

Syukur sangat rasa...kata doc, InsyaAllah kemungkinan besar it's a gurl....then bila dh turun katil pon Mama tanya lagi sekali, "Doc, its confirm a gurl kan?" Doc dgn senyum jawab, "InsyaAllah she's a girl...dh banyak kali scan dari atas n dari bawah tadi mmg nyata its's a gurl..."  Mama langkah kuar dari bilik doc dgn senyum melebar ke pipi....huhuuu...

Kuar je dari bilik doc, I said to Papa..."See, my instinct is real...hehee...."

The summary result

P/S : Doakan semuanya selamat n Mama may deliver our baby gurl normally...amin...

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Family trip to Sabah (Part I)

Salam semua...

This is our 2nd family trip after we got married...This family trip is means my family members (my parents, siblings), my hubby and Zameer...1st family trip dulu pon tgh preggy kan Zameer kitorg ke Langkawi, time tu Zameer 7 bln setengah dlm peyut...huhuu...dh sarat okay, tp parents pujuk gak ajak join since diorg ada tlg tgk2kan klau ada pape...

Trip ke sabah ni plak sudah plan setahun lps, time tu Air Asia wat promotion...bygkan beli tiket bln Mei 2012, April 2013 baru dpt pegi...huhu...tuk 9 org (including Zameer), total fare ticket is only RM 990.00...Ayah plg beria nk buat family trip ke Sabah since negeri tu je dia belum pernah jejak lagi, so tuk fare ticket ayah yg sponsor...hehe...

Dah namanya pon setahun menunggu tarikh tiket, anything can happens in the middle time...mula2 tau preggy dulu, mak ai risau betul klau2 kena cancelkan plan tuk ke Sabah tu...tambah plak dgn kes di Lahad Datu dan tarikh election yg belum umum lagi tu...tapi syukur dikurniakan kesihatan yg baik, Sabah dh aman semula dan tarikh election blm lagi diumumkan (time tu), 5 April sampai lah kami ke Kota Kinabalu, Sabah...

Zameer at LCCT waiting for flight

Zameer 1st time in flight

Zameer with Cik Ngah

Sempat snap 1 pict sblm di arah beredar oleh penjaga lapangan..huhuu   (its been forbidden to do this actually)
This is 1st experience to Zameer boarding the flight...and my 1st experience boarding flight in preggy condition...For Zameer he was so excited every time seeing plane...mesti jerit, "Mama, Mama...plane! plane!"...and for me, xtau la plak tuk pregnant women kena isi form of declaration that u're pregnant b4 boarding the flight...but for those who pregnant 28 weeks and above, without the consent letter from your gynea stated that you're safe to board the flight, you will not permitted to do so...

Time book flight ticket dulu mmg x book seat skali, so jgn la berharap dpt duk sekelompok ngan grup kita kan...and after online check-in via mobile, we supposed get to know already the seat no. of all members in the group...So, pandai2 lah re-arrange back the seat among our group so that xde la anak ke mana, ibu ke mana cam I semua kelam kabut nk boarding flight cpt2 since dh tertangguh kat gate sbb borang pregnancy tu I baru nk isi...staff Air Asia yg jaga pintu departure area yg supposed tlg isi borang tu tp diorg xde ckp pape pon time I passed by dpn tu...Zameer plak time tu Papa yg dukung, masing2 dh pegang boarding pass msg2 so meluru je la naik plane...sekali lps semua dpt seat, baru perasan Zameer duk dpn ngan Nenek dia...huhuu...lps sign seat belt blh tanggal tu, trs I mintak Papa ambik Zameer ke belakang...

And as the 1st experience boarding plane in preggy condition, it was not the best thing to be remembered.  Time flight memecut tuk naik tu, perut I time tu rasa kecut sgt dan perut sangat terasa senak...sian baby kat dalam...huhuu...time nk landing pon sama...but my mom said, semua tu depends on maknya...if rasa gerun tu dilayan tu yg kecut perut sampai senak dlm perut...huhuuu...syukur flight time balik dr KK ke KL dpt flight yg lebih besar skit, so time flight nk take off and landing tu xterasa sgt pon...

Tuk travel kalli ni kitorg dptkan khidmat travel agent tuk bwk kitorg ke tmpt2 best kat KK...Please visit their blog : HERE! to check out their travel package...You may email to: tuk sebarang pertanyaan...dia punya pakej blh nego...sgt berbaloi!  Apartment plak kitorg sewa kat Tmn U, Azzalea Hannah Apartment, booked via Agoda...murah mmg murah la, RM 450 for 3 nite stay but the location is a bit far from town...klau sewa kereta okay sgt la tmpt tu coz provided by 2 rooms which furnished with 1 queen size bed in master bedroom, 1 super single bed and 1 queen size bed in the 2nd room, also provided 2 extra single mattress tuk tido kat living room...fully furnished with washing machine, dining table, stove and rice cooker...

Master bedroom with air cond

2nd room; 1 supersingle bed, 1 queen size bed with fan and air cond

bathroom yg besar dan bersih

living room : sofa with LCD TV but no astro

Okay, smp sini dulu...nnt smbg lagi ea...cite jln2 ke Kundasang in next entry...InsyaAllah...

Monday, 15 April 2013

Review 'Mom, Baby & Kids Expo'

Salam semua...

Wah...xpernah2 wat entry review pasal Expo Baby ni, arini tetiba ada entry ni kan? huhuu...bukan pe, expo baby lain jarang sangat I terjah sbb jauh n malas nk bersesak ngan org ramai...tapi dh kali ni eventnya kat Stadium Melawati je kan, n got things to share tu yg buat jugak entry ni...

Sebelum ke sana, Mama ni dh buat survey byk kat online shopping n harga2 yg ditawarkan kat tuk certain2 item...untung jugak sebenarnya survey awal2 sebelum buat ape2 pembelian, lebih2 lagi tuk brgn yg nilainya ratusan RM...

Sabtu lps Mama & Papa keje halfday, so sbb nk pegi jugak terjah expo tu memandangkan brg tuk our incoming baby xde satu pon dh beli, pakat ngan Papa jumpa kat area stadium je pas keje...Alhamdulillah, rezeki org pregnant kot pegi mana2 je senang je dpt parking...Mama dpt parking btl2 dpn pintu nk masuk stadium tu, so xpyh nk menapak jauh2...huhuuu

1st thing dalam kepala antara brg yg plg nk cari kat expo is Breast Pump (BP), Starter Set of Avent Natural Newborn and teats of Avents for Abg Zameer...semua barangan tu dalam kepala dah ada brp harga maximum yg Mama leh accept tuk trs masuk2 je trs nmpk booth yg jual begitu byk brg Avent...wah,  excited btl! Lagi2 bila harga tuk teats Avent Zameer juz only RM 23.10 per pack (contains 2 teats)...biasa plg murah pernah jumpa pon RM 27.90 per pack...trs grab 2 pack! huhuu

BP plak mmg dh target tuk beli brand Rumble Tuff, biarlah brand xberapa nk glamour pon cam Medela or Spectra, since dh blogwalking rata2 bg positif review, berbaloi ngan kena ukur baju kat badan sendiri...huhuu...Survey kat online, plg murah harga kat Fabulous Mom ikut harga pakej dia...

Cari2 kat expo jumpa la 1 booth yg jual brand ni double pump, but without package: RM 359.00...klau congak2 cam dh murah, tp ingat2 balik klau kat fabulous mom, RM 459.00 (differ by 100.00) I got a lots more...lgpon pakej BP tu consist a gorgeous BP bag n cooler bag...if I decide to buy loose, kat expo tu pon xde BP bag n cooler bag yg comey2 tp hrga tuk BP bag (RM70.00) and cooler bag (RM39.00) dh mahal...

ni dkt expo..

ni dkt online Fabulous mom
So, xjadi beli BP tu...seterusnya misi mencari Starter Set Avent Natural plak...dah survey kat harga plg murah blh dapat RM 150.00 : Refer here! tapi rata2 kat sana tuk set Natural Avent bottle ni mmg jauh lbh tggi dr beli online...tuk Natural Starter set ni plg murah kat Expo RM, itu pon xjadi beli jugak...

Hasil grab kat Expo...Abg Zameer jadi model jap..huhuu
Even byk yg target xdpt beli lagi, tapi total hangus kat sana RM 230+ +  gak...huhuu...Nursing Pillow tu plg berbaloi sbb dpt hrga RM 55 je, plg murah kat luar RM 80-90...Bottle Rack (RM 20.00), Infrared Stokin (RM 37.00), Tungku Herba Baby (RM 15.00), Bengkung tebal panjang (RM 63.00 - akan dipos kemudian sbb dh hbs stok), Teats Avents (RM 23.10 x 2)...

Ok, thats all for now...story jalan2 ke Sabah belum sempat nk karang lagi...InsyaAllah berkelapangan nnt akan di draft kan...daa..

P/s : moral of the story, sblm beli brg2 yg tggi nilainya better survey sehabis tmpt dulu...even expo sekalipon hrga xsemestinya jatuh merudum...huhuu...

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Surprise for Papa

Salam readers...

Last friday, saja la jenguk2 website First time menjengah actually...Then tgk bhgn kasut lelaki, mak ai terkejut tgk hrga sbb sgt2 berpatutan...then I got the idea to suprise Papa...huhuu

1 thing about my luvly hubby ni, dia sangat la kedekut nak berbelanja tuk diri sendri...serius!  I noticed that from awal kawin lagi...and he is really a sentimental guy...brg lama yg dh rosak pon sgt syg nk buang...sume nk disimpannya...dont believe me? come check out our store room...huhuu

But he is a really gentlemen for anak bini...sangat tak berkira klau dia mampu belikan...If come to shopping time, especially time nk raya...klau blh yg dia punya xde pon xpe...belikan tuk kitorg kitorg dulu...If I was not  forced to buy for him, jawabnya xde la tuk dia...huhuu...

Sebab terpikir dh lama tak membeli tuk my luvly hubby ni, saja la grab sepasang sandal and sepasang kasut 'boot style' tuk dia...hehe...really hope the size that I picked really suit him!

Jumaat lps time survey catalog kat website zalora tu, saja SMS Papa tanya kasut dia pakai size ape...dia jawab dengan jujurnya tanpa bertanya kenapa...hehe...kebetulan time tu he is really busy in Malacca, where his company is involve in engineering exhibition there...Thank godness he is not asking further nor when met me at home that night...hehe....

Ikutkan terms kat website Zalora, items will be delivered in 3 working days time...but this morning at 9.30am  I got a call from courier service said he will come by in 10 minutes time...huhuu...cepatnya! Sebelum ni ada dengar banyak komen negatif dr customer psl Zalora, so to be save I choose term called 'pay on the delivery'...then, they might upgraded their delivery system very well nowadays...tak serik tuk menjengah lagi! hehe...

Our small-getting-bigger-soon happy family  :)

Friday, 22 March 2013

5 months check up....Mama runsing...

Salam semua...

Last sunday, Mama ke UMRA lagi tuk monthly check up dan kali ni kena ambik darah tuk blood test.  Pagi tu time Papa kejut solat subuh, Mama bangun dgn agak terhuyung hayang tahan pening...pas solat trs sambung tido blk...

Dalam kul 8 dengar Zameer bangun panggil Mama ngan Papa...time tu mmg xleh angkat kepala pon lagi...So, Papa angkat Zameer dr play pen dia ltk kat tgh2 kitorg...Tapi Zameer ni dh terbiasa bangun awal skrg, so mmg la xnak sambung tido dah...Bila Zameer dh start mintak susu terpaksa jugak la kitorg turun ke tgkt bawah...but seriously mmg Mama xleh dukung Zameer since nk turun tangga pon pegang2 dinding...

Kat tgkat bawah sblm terlena blk dh siap2 pesan kat Papa mintak tlg kuarkan udang dr freezer, nk buat cucur nnt tuk sarapan...then sedar pon tgh mamai2 Papa kejut ajak sarapan...Papa dh tlg masakkan burger tuk breakfast...huhuuu cam sarapan org bujang kan? Tapi tu je yg Papa leh tlg sediakan, nk tlg buat cucur tak reti katanya...'xpe syg, awak tlg buatkan sarapan dh cukup bagus dah...thanks dear!'

Siap2 nk kuar umah time tu pon dah kul 12...sampai di UMRA nmpk org cam xramai mana, tp lambat jugak  nk smpai giliran may be doc bertugas time tengahari tak ramai kot...sblm jumpa gynea cam biasa nurse panggil tuk timbang berat, ambik BP and this month plus urine test...My weight is decreased 1 kg from last month :(  . I am quiet surprised my BP is the dizziness that morning caused of what?  Dulu time dh sampai bulan nk bersalin Zameer mmg ada history high BP sampai kena warded kat UMRA....

The time passed, my turn to see gynea is came...after a few conversation, doc ask me whether I has decide where to deliver our baby? me replied, not yet...since UMRA xterima kes yg dh pernah cser tuk try normal, so I need to find other option la...Or else Hospital Sg Buloh...about my dizziness doc said might be caused by my HB is low, so have to wait the result of blood the time, doc add the supplement of zinc for me...

Bila bincang2 ngan my BFF, they are prefer me go to la, diorg semua bersalin kat GH Putrajaya...andai mmg dkt dari umah mmg I choose Putrajaya gak, kawan2...Then Mama Kema said she heard lots of bad review from mommies who delivered at Hospital Sg Buloh...then I do my research about true! 90% of the review had a bad experience delivered their baby there...huhuu...

Mama Nieq plak bgth ada 1 private hospital kat area Sg Buloh, Putra Medical Centre (PMC)...She said her cousin had delivered there and got a good, pencarian bermula la since last monday...bila blogwalking, mmg byk dpt good review pon PMC ni...then to convince Papa I need to personally call the PMC to get the rate cost and their procedure...

Even from the phone call only, I really got the open heart to go there...huhuu...semua soalan2 dilayan dgn baik...and yes, they are accept the patient who previously cser but not the 2nd scar...means if ur 1st n 2nd child already gone thru cser, where ever hospital u go u'll straight away been cser...that's y it is important for me to try normally deliver for this 2nd baby...gynea from UMRA whom I met last sunday said I got 75% of chance to deliver normal....

Ok, for the cost of normal deliver at PMC is in duration of RM 2000-2200 (InsyaAllah still in our afford), compared to UMRA duration between RM1399-1699...and for cser RM 4000-5000 compared to UMRA about 3499-3699...erm...yg ni garu kepala skit...huhuuu...even i wanna try for normal but it is important to prepare for the worst at the beginning....

Actually I am not put in the perception which GH is really bad for me...but I dont wanna put a risk where the experience that I gonna thru to deliver my baby drive me not to preggy anymore...hahaha....coz for me, journey to bring a little baby to the world is the most precious experience for me to keep in memory...

Well, mommies out there or even a daddy...please leave a your own comment...I appreciate it....
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